Bomb Game

I found a new English game that I can’t wait to play!

I’m quite fond of bomb Jeopardy, which I wrote about previously, but this is the bomb game. It’s different, I promise.

I’m going to alter it a bit for my purposes, so this is how it is going to work and what you need to make it happen. If you’re reading this and you’re not a teacher, it might not be that useful to you. But if you have kids, you can play an alternate version of this game at home! Heck, you don’t even have to have kids…I’m sure adults would have fun with their own rendition of this game, too.

Anyway, here’s the academic version.

What you need:

  1. a kitchen timer
  2. a bag to put it in (make sure it isn’t see through)
  3. students

How to play:

  1. Set a time limit on the kitchen timer and put it in the bag. Press go. It could be anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
  2. Have students practice a dialog of some sort. When they have to speak, they hold the bag. Once they finish their part, they pass the bag to their partner. They should continue the exercise and passing the bag back and forth until time runs out.
  3. When the timer beeps, the person holding the bag loses. They have to answer a question or do some sort of “punishment” for the loss. You can have them translate a sentence, or do a silly gesture. Whatever floats your boat.
  4. Reset the timer (to a different amount of time) and start again!

I think that this game would be so great to practice reading the book aloud or practicing a certain type of dialog. I can’t wait to try it out with some of my kids (if I get the chance).


Until next time! xx

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